

充足的阳光, longer days and warmer temperatures provide more opportunities for the whole family to get outside and get active in the spring and summer.  试着走, 游泳, 骑自行车, 滑冰, 跳绳, building a backyard obstacle course or organizing a neighborhood soccer game.  Even gardening, pushing a stroller or walking the dog counts.  学习 美国心脏协会’s Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults 和 儿童建议.

But when the temperature goes up, being active outdoors can be more challenging.  It’s easier to become overheated when the sun is beaming down all day.  The warm months also bring humidity to many parts of the country. 与湿度, 你的汗水不会蒸发得那么快, so your body has a harder time releasing heat. 


Keep in mind these six tips when it's warm outside:

  1. 时机是关键.  Try to avoid exercising outside in the early afternoon. 中午到下午三点之间通常是最热的.m.

  2. 水合物.  Drink water before, during and after physical activity, even if you don’t feel thirsty.  Bring a bottle of water with you, or plan water stops along your route.

  3. 为成功而着装.  Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothes.  Moisture-wicking fabric also can be a big help.  Protect yourself from the sun with sunglasses, a hat or visor and plenty of sweat-resistant sunscreen. 

  4. 倾听你的身体.  Take frequent breaks in the shade, and drink water before you’re thirsty.  给自己一些沙巴足球体育平台来适应高温. Some experts say that this can take about 4-14 days.  Keep in mind that you may not be able to work out as long or as hard as usual when it’s very hot.  

  5. 医生的命令.  Check with your health care professional before starting an exercise routine or moving your workout outdoors if you have cardiovascular disease, 糖尿病, other chronic disease or any medical concerns.  某些药物, 包括受体阻滞剂, Ace受体阻滞剂, 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂, 钙通道阻滞剂和利尿剂, can exaggerate the body’s response to heat.

  6. 巴结.  If you can, work out with a partner for safety, social interactive and fun.


Try light, healthy pre- and post-workout snacks that can also help you stay cool. 试一试:

  • 冷藏或冷冻水果.
  • 自制冰棒 made from 100% fruit juice or fat-free/low-fat milk.
  • 水果冰沙.
  • 装满蔬菜的冷沙拉, 豆子。, legumes and heart-healthy fish such as albacore tuna or salmon.
  • Crisp, chilled raw veggies including cucumbers, carrots or celery with a light, cool dip.
  • Cold sparkling water with a splash of 100% fruit juice or slices of citrus or cucumber.


If you find you can’t tolerate the heat, don’t skip out on your workout or physical activity time. 而不是:

  • Find indoor locations where you can be active, 比如购物中心, 健身房或社区娱乐中心.
  • Discover activities you can do in your home or at work.
  • Adjust your workout schedule to early morning or late evening when it’s cooler outside.


中暑疾病或紧急情况 can occur with exposure to high temperatures and humidity.

Dehydration can occur when you don’t replace body fluids lost by sweating.  Being even slightly dehydrated can make you feel bad and put you at greater risk for heat-related illnesses, 包括中暑和中暑.
Signs of mild to moderate dehydration include:

  • 渴.
  • 口干或口黏.
  • 干燥、凉爽的皮肤.
  • 头疼.
  • 肌肉痉挛.
  • 小便少或颜色较深.


  • 不小便或尿色很深.
  • 皮肤干燥、干瘪.
  • 易怒或困惑.
  • 头晕或头昏.
  • 心跳加速.
  • 呼吸迅速.
  • 疲劳或无精打采.
  • 无意识.

Heat cramps are the first stage of heat illness.  They can share some of the symptoms of dehydration, including:

  • 肌肉痉挛 and pains, often in the legs or abdomen.
  • 大量出汗.
  • 乏力.
  • 渴.


  • 头疼.
  • 头晕或头昏.
  • 弱点.
  • 凉爽、滋润的皮肤.
  • 尿色深.
  • 恶心和呕吐.

If you experience signs of dehydration, heat cramps or heat exhaustion:

  • 马上停止锻炼.
  • 啜饮水或吸吮冰块.
  • Move to the shade or indoors as soon as possible.
  • 用冷水浇全身.
  • Apply cold, wet cloths to the neck, groin and armpits.
  • Seek medical attention if your condition doesn’t improve or gets worse.

中暑 is when the body is no longer able to regulate its temperature, and it keeps rising.  This is a very serious condition and requires immediate medical attention. 

Call 911 and take the actions above right away if you experience these symptoms:

  • 高热(103华氏度以上).
  • 炎热、干燥、皮肤发红.
  • 快、弱脉冲.
  • 快速、浅呼吸.
  • 不理智的行为或极度的困惑.
  • 癫痫发作或失去意识.