
Gr和father father dancing with daughters at home

健身并没有那么难. You can get up 和 move just about anytime, anywhere to be more physically active 和 stay healthy. And every minute counts toward the goal of at least 150 minutes per week of exercise. Every time you st和 up 和 do something, you’re taking a step in the right direction.  

Move more at home, outdoors 和 just about anywhere!


Finding ways to be more active around the house sets a good example for kids 和 can help you stay on top of housework. You can combine exercise with other activities, like watching TV, cleaning or cooking. 这里有一些有用的建议和技巧:

  • 制作积极的家务卡片. Let each family member draw a card each day with a different active task that needs to be done. 晚饭后的清洁, 遛狗, 把垃圾倒出去, folding laundry 和 unloading the dishwasher are all good ways to get your family up off the couch — 和 get the chores done.

  • Clear some space, put on some music 和 take a dance break! It can re-energize a study session, lazy Sunday or game night. Let each person take a turn as DJ so everyone’s favorites get played.

  • 暂时搁置屏幕. Instead of heading right for the TV or game console after dinner, make that family activity time. Take a walk, practice a sport or play a game of hide-和-seek.

  • 在看电视的时候收听健身节目. Walk or jog in place or on a treadmill, lift weights or do yoga while you watch your favorite shows. Break up a TV binge with a bit of activity between episodes. Or challenge each other to see who can do the most burpees, push-ups or jumping jacks during commercial breaks.

  • 改变你家庭的日常生活. Join your kids for a bike ride or shoot some hoops before starting homework 和 chores. 你们都会感觉更好,思维也会更好.

  • 和宠物玩. Throw a ball or stick for the dog to fetch. Lead the cat on a string chase around the house.

  • 让家庭游戏之夜活跃起来. Games like Twister, charades 和 hide-和-seek can get your family moving without even noticing!

  • Keep a list of kid-friendly activities h和y. That way, you have solutions available anytime for when you hear, “I’m bored."

  • 为你的孩子选择活跃的玩具. Balls, skateboards, hula hoops 和 jump ropes can all encourage your kids to move their bodies.

  • 远离运动器材. If it’s always within reach, or visible as a reminder, you will be encouraged to do a quick workout.

  • Swap out the TV for music as your background noise. Always make sure it’s something that inspires you to get up 和 move.


If being outdoors is your thing, it can make exercise seem more like play. You may enjoy it more 和 are more likely to stick with it. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你:

  • 多穿衣服. Layering prepares you for changes in temperature 和 weather. And don’t forget hats, sunglasses 和 sunscreen.

  • 好好利用好天气. Take a walk or bike ride around your neighborhood. Research shows that getting outside can help your mental health, as well as your physical health.

  • 布置你的花园. Gardening, mowing 和 yard work are great ways to get active outdoors. 没有院子? 没有问题! Try container gardening or a local community garden.

Squeeze a little more activity into your life.

There are plenty of easy ways to add more movement. 这里有一些建议让你开始:

  • 培养新的爱好. Always wanted to learn how to ballroom dance, practice karate or shoot a bow 和 arrow? 找一个在线指南并自学. It’s never too late to pick up a new skill 和 get more active.

  • 做一些简单的附加组件. When you’re out walking, throw in some wall push-ups, lunges 和 other exercises. Or do short, one-minute intervals at a faster pace to boost your walk’s intensity.

  • 多任务多运动. When you’re at home watching TV do some micro-movements like glute squeezes, abdominal contractions 和 pelvic floor exercises. 你的核心会感谢你的!