
Stories for the 美国心脏协会 website are produced by a staff of professional writers 和 editors. The information is obtained through interviews with 美国心脏协会 volunteers who are physicians, other healthcare professionals or experts; 和/or compiled from data assembled by the organization’s staff. All stories receive statistical- 和 science-based reviewed by the 美国心脏协会’s team of science 和 medicine advisors. 所有内容都由我们的AHA工作人员在线审查和发布.

因为我们是一个以科学为基础的组织, review of all stories by science 和 medicine advisors is a critical step in all editorial production. Internal staff manages a database of review 和 assign each for review by at least one advisor.  If not approved, there is a feedback loop, which will ultimately require additional review.

These stories are written as a public service in support of the 美国心脏协会’s mission: Building healthier lives, 没有心血管疾病和中风. 这些信息旨在帮助人们改善健康, 了解预防信息, 了解心脏病和中风的风险, 并了解具体的医疗条件. This information should support readers’ health 和 help them deal with their conditions, but it does not replace the advice of a qualified health professional who is familiar with an individual's medical needs. 读了 美国心脏协会伦理政策.

The 美国心脏协会 does not charge anything or require subscriptions for public access to these stories on their website. The content of the Conditions section of our website is available for licensing 和 syndication for your website. The 美国心脏协会 maintains relationships with sponsors of its digital assets to support its mission.

目标受众为心.org website content is the public 和 people who seek knowledge about various cardiovascular conditions, 他们的亲戚, 朋友和他们生活中的其他人会发现这些信息很有帮助. 在本网站的这一部分讨论的心血管疾病是 心律失常, 心脏骤停, 胆固醇, 先天性心脏缺陷, 糖尿病, 心脏病, 心脏衰竭, 高血压代谢综合征, 外周动脉疾病 和 中风. We also offer preventive information in the 沙巴足球体育平台 section of our website including 健康饮食, 食谱, 体重管理, 压力管理, 体育活动, 工作场所健康 和 戒烟.

The 美国心脏协会 is devoted to saving people from 心 disease 和 中风 – two of America’s leading killers. 我们与数百万志愿者合作,为创新研究提供资金, 争取更强有力的公共卫生政策, 和 provide lifesaving tools 和 information to prevent 和 treat these diseases. The Dallas-based association is the nation’s oldest 和 largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting 心 disease 和 中风. 要了解更多或参与,请致电1-800-AHA-USA1,访问 心.org,捐款,或致电我们在全国各地的任何办事处.


约翰·麦克法兰, 全国沙巴足球体育平台副总裁, 内容与编辑, has overseen editorial processes at the 美国心脏协会 since 2010 和 美国心脏协会 News since 2013. 以前, he was an editor 和 reporter at The Associated Press 和 an editor at 达拉斯晨报. 他拥有北德克萨斯大学沙巴足球体育平台学学位.


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梅丽莎·韦伯, 国家主管, News, joined the 美国心脏协会 News staff in 2014. She is a nationally award-winning health 和 science journalist who previously served as managing editor of CURE, 全国最大的癌症患者消费杂志. 她也是《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志的前撰稿人, LIVESTRONG季刊和美国癌症协会. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in journalism.

Rogelio阿兰达现任助理沙巴足球体育平台编辑,于2022年加入美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台. 以前, 他在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》工作了近24年,担任过各种角色, 包括突发沙巴足球体育平台和公共安全编辑, 临时体育编辑, 文字编辑和有线编辑. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a degree in journalism.

Jaime阿伦, 资深作家兼编辑, 自2013年成立以来一直是美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台的一部分. He previously spent 20 years with The Associated Press, the last 13 as Texas Sports Editor. 他是七本书的作者或合著者. 他拥有德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的沙巴足球体育平台学学位.

迈克尔Merschel特约撰稿人,于2019年加入美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台. 以前, 他在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》工作, 他在那里编辑沙巴足球体育平台栏目, 书籍覆盖范围及更多. He won the Texas Institute of Letters' award for best middle-grade book 和 graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in journalism.

劳拉·威廉姆森自2019年以来,一直为美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台撰稿. 她的职业生涯始于纸媒记者, 覆盖健康, 地方政府和教育为四大日报, 包括亚特兰大宪法报. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Maryl和 College Park.

凯拉杰克逊, Production Editor, joined the 美国心脏协会 News staff in 2019. She previously trained biomedical scientists in professional development at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. She earned her Master of Healthcare Administration from Texas Woman's University. 


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迪娜·罗杰斯 全国主任,写作和编辑,领导美国心脏协会的编辑团队. 在2007年加入AHA之前, Rogers was employee communications 和 publications manager for Horizon Health, 以及《沙巴足球体育平台》的执行编辑. 李史密斯出版社. 罗杰斯毕业时获得了写作和文学学士学位 & 出版于波士顿爱默生学院.

罗杰·坎贝尔自1990年以来一直为美国心脏协会工作. 以前, 他是《沙巴体育平台点击进入》的记者, 达拉斯晨报, 沃斯堡星报和美联社. Campbell graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in journalism 和 holds a master's degree in biblical studies from Dallas Theological Seminary.

格洛丽亚Catha, Senior 内容与编辑 Manager, develops patient content 和 custom content. 自1996年加入美国心脏协会以来, she has spent most of her career managing patient education 和 consumer health content development for magazines, 小册子及网站. 她拥有德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校的商学学位.

凯伦·帕特森 作家兼编辑, 为《沙巴体育平台点击进入》报道过医学和卫生保健, NurseWeek, 《沙巴体育平台点击进入》和《沙巴体育平台点击进入》杂志. 以前, she focused on cancer 研究的h at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications 和 a master's in liberal arts from Southern Methodist University.

黛博拉Puccio, Senior Editor 和 Content Manager, manages healthy living content, including cookbooks. 在2004年加入AHA之前, she was a director for a publishing company providing editorial services to leading educational book publishers. 她也是西蒙小学教科书出版社的编辑 & 舒斯特尔. Puccio holds a journalism degree 和 political science degree from Rutgers University.


Radhika Rajgopal Singh, Ph.D., 高级副总裁, 科学, 医学和健康及专业会籍, 监督美国心脏协会的科学和医学审查. 她于2017年加入美国心脏协会. 她在战略规划方面有20多年的经验, 运营与绩效管理具有多元化的学术背景, 公共和非营利组织, 包括南卫理公会大学和乔治. 达拉斯布什学院.

安妮·伦纳德, M.P.H, B.S.N., R.N.2007年加入美国心脏协会,全国高级主任. 在此之前,她待了25年 at the University of Texas Health 科学 Center at San Antonio, conducting 和 executing clinical 研究的神经科学博士,重点研究中风. She earned her bachelor's degree from UT Health 科学 Center-San Antonio, 和 her 硕士 来自德州大学休斯顿公共卫生学院.  During this time, she was a 15-year volunteer for the 美国心脏协会. 

保罗圣. 劳伦特, D.N.P., R.N.他于2016年加入美国心脏协会. He has over 25 years of experience as an advanced practice nurse in clinical cardiovascular care. He has a Doctor of Nursing practice degree from Chatham University as well as bachelor's 和 master's degrees in nursing from the University of Southern Indiana.

莎莉年代. 黄, Ph.D., R.D., CDN, FAHA, 国家主管, joined the AHA in 2013 after a decade as clinical nutrition manager at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. She also was a public health officer for the Nutrition 和 Dietetics Board in New York 和 provided nutrition consultation for the state's Office of Minority Health. She earned her nutrition master's 和 doctorate degrees from New York University. 

Prashant Nedungadi, B. 制药,Ph值.D.2015年加入美国心脏协会. He has more than 15 years of academic 研究的h experience 和 has authored several peer-reviewed publications. 他是一名药剂师,拥有博士学位.D. 在药理学/神经科学. He previously worked as a postdoctoral 研究的her at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 和 as 研究的h/teaching faculty at the University of North Texas Health 科学 Center.

凯瑟琳一个. 希恩, Ph.D.他于2014年加入美国心脏协会. 她的Ph值.D. 在芝加哥洛约拉大学攻读细胞和分子生理学. 凯瑟琳是一名化学工程师,曾在海湾石油公司工作. 在转向生理学之前. She has over 20 years of experience in basic cardiovascular 研究的h focused on the molecular mechanisms that regulate cellular level contractility of the 心. She has worked as a postdoctoral 研究的her at the University of Illinois at 芝加哥, 并在德保罗大学任教, 芝加哥.

芭芭拉Entl, M.D.,科学和医学顾问. 在2020年加入AHA之前, she worked as a primary care physician providing comprehensive preventive 和 medical care for children 和 adults, 传染病流行病学家, 作为部落健康政策分析师与临床合作伙伴建立联系, 疾控中心主题专家, 和 external partners to identify best practices 和 recommendations regarding the clinical care of infectious diseases for the Indian Peoples of Montana, 怀俄明, 和爱达荷州.

玛吉伊顿, Ph.D., F.N.P, R.N.副科学和医学顾问,于2022年加入美国心脏协会. She has over a decade of experience working as a pediatric nurse 和 family nurse practitioner in neurosurgery 和 urgent care. 她获得了博士学位.D. in nursing from Northeastern University 和 her master’s degree in nursing from Columbia University.

盖尔甘农, A.P.N., F.N.P.-C., Associate 科学 和 Medicine Advisor, joined the 美国心脏协会 in 2022. She has been a nurse for over 25 years, 和 an advanced practice practitioner for nearly 10 years. Gail has an extensive background in clinical 研究的h 和 critical care 和 has held several leadership roles at esteemed academic medical centers. She has a Bachelor of 科学 in Healthcare Administration from National Louis University, 和 a Master of 科学 in Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner degree from DePaul University.  

μ黄, Ph.D., D.P.T.他于2022年加入美国心脏协会. He was previously a clinician scientist at UT Southwestern Medical Center 和 was on faculty in the Department of Applied Clinical Research. 他撰写了40多篇经同行评审的原创研究出版物. 表示Ph值.D. 南卫理公会大学应用生理学博士, a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Southern California, 获得加州大学分子和细胞生物学学士学位, 加州大学伯克利分校. 


澳赛, M.D., Ph.D.科学副总裁 & 急诊心血管护理的创新, 监督美国心脏协会的科学和医学审查. She also works in a Colorado emergency department 和 maintains appointments in the Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado School of Medicine 和 as the Special Advisor to the Medical Advisory Panel for the Veterans Health Administration.

琥珀胡佛, R.N., M.S.N., 科学与健康促进顾问, joined AHA in 2016 和 moved to the Emergency Cardiovascular Care 科学 Team in 2019. 她有超过20年的急诊临床经验, 创伤, cardiac cath lab 和 quality nursing with a strong focus on process improvement 和 cardiac systems of care.

贝基Lehotzky, Ph.D.她于2013年首次加入美国心脏协会. She has more than 10 years of experience in medical writing 和 consulting on topics such as cardiovascular health 和 disease, 肿瘤学和基础科学. She earned her doctoral degree in biological chemistry from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

梅丽莎Mahgoub, Ph.D., 科学与健康促进顾问, 于2019年加入美国心脏协会急诊心血管护理科学团队. 她有博士学位。.D. in neuroscience 和 has over 10 years of experience in academia as a preclinical 研究的her 和 scientific writer. She has worked as a postdoctoral 研究的her 和 served as a scientific mentor to graduate students at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

琥珀罗德里格斯, Ph.D., 科学与健康促进顾问, 2014年加入AHA急诊心血管护理科学团队. She earned her undergraduate 和 graduate degrees in neuroscience from the University of Texas at Austin, 和 her postdoctoral work was at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas in the Department of Neurology 和 Neurotherapeutics.


Sarah Am和olare; Genaro C. Armas; Leslie Barker; Carolyn Bernhardt; Deborah Lynn Blumberg; Jerry Bokamper; Lynn Bronikowski; Vanessa Caceres; Luis Campuzano; Thor Christensen; 瑞秋Crowell; Tyra Damm; Diane Daniel; Mary Dunklin; Maria Elena Fern和ez; James L. Fredrick; Lindsey Giardino; Eve Glicksman; Tate Gunnerson; Jodi Helmer; Michelle Hiskey; Stefani Kopenec; Robert Kozak; Kenya McCullum; Casey Miller; Casey Morris; Lisa Mulcahy; Michael Precker; Will Pry; Emily Rosenbaum; Karen Schmidt; Kelley J. Shannon; Joyce Tsai; Catherine S. 威廉姆斯