Devices that May Interfere with ICDs and 起搏器s

Several types of devices and machinery may interfere with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs)和 心脏起搏器.

The electromagnetic waves generated by these devices can keep your ICD or pacemaker from functioning properly. Try to avoid them, or at least minimize your exposure to them.

您的医疗保健专业人员可以建议您避免使用特定的设备和机器. But, in general, the following can cause interference:


与EAS系统的交互, such as those found at department stores, 不太可能在大多数患者中引起临床显著症状.

  • Don’t linger near an EAS system longer than is necessary.
  • Be aware that EAS systems are often hidden or camouflaged near the exits for businesses such as retailers.
  • Don’t lean against the system’s sensors.


Interactions with metal detectors 不太可能在大多数患者中引起临床显著症状.

  • Don’t stand near the metal detector any longer than is necessary.
  • Don’t lean against the structure of the system.
  • If scanning with a handheld metal detector is necessary, tell the security personnel that you have an ICD or pacemaker, and request an alternative form of inspection, 比如搜身. If they insist on using a handheld metal detector, 让他们不要把魔杖放在你的设备附近太久,除非是绝对必要的.

看到 Transportation Security Administration (TSA) advisory page(链接在新窗口中打开) for those traveling with implanted devices.


Wireless transmissions from the antennae of phones available in the United States are a very small risk to ICDs and even less of a risk for 心脏起搏器.

  • Technology is rapidly changing as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) makes new wireless frequencies available.
  • 使用这些新频率的新款手机可能会降低icd和起搏器的可靠性. The wireless industry is investigating that possibility.
  • Keep your cell phone at least six inches away from your ICD or pacemaker by using it on the ear opposite where your device was implanted. Avoid keeping your cell phone in your front chest pocket.
  • If you use walkie-talkie radios or Bluetooth technology, ask your health care professional what safe distances are for these.


大多数耳机都含有一种磁性材料,可以干扰icd和起搏器. 这两个 earbud and clip-on headphones can cause interference. 所以,请记住:

  • Keep headphones at least six inches away from your ICD or pacemaker.
  • 不要让戴耳机的人把头靠在你的胸前.
  • Don’t place headphones in your breast pocket.
  • 不要把耳机挂在脖子上,这样它们就会挂在胸前.


公民波段(或CB)无线电和业余“火腿”无线电对心脏起搏器的危害很小或没有. But they can affect how an ICD performs.

  • CB radios or ham radios under three watts should be kept at least six inches away from your ICD.
  • CB and ham radios operating on three-15 watts should be kept at least 12 inches from your ICD.
  • 15-30瓦的普通对讲机和业余对讲机应该离你的设备至少两英尺远.

Power-generating equipment, arc welding equipment and jumper cables

Follow your doctor’s instructions about being around such equipment. In general, stay at least 2 feet away.


Magnetic fields in magnets in devices and machinery can inhibit pulse generators for ICDs and 心脏起搏器. 特别是在icd中, magnets can activate a switch prohibiting the ICD from delivering vital signals such as lifesaving shocks.

如果你有心脏除颤器或起搏器, 避免与磁铁或其磁场密切或长沙巴足球体育平台接触. 将磁铁放置在离设备植入处至少6英寸的地方.

Of course, you may not always know if you have come into proximity with machinery that uses a magnet. 在安全的方面犯错是最好的. 如果你感觉到任何干扰,远离干扰源,或者如果可能的话关掉它.

Avoid magnet therapy that may call for you to wear magnetic bracelets or necklaces near your implantation site. Also avoid magnetic pillows and magnetic mattress pads, which can be found in some adjustable or smart beds; these may interfere with your ICD or pacemaker.

Ab stimulators and electronic body fat scales

这两个 devices likely interfere with an ICD or pacemaker. Avoid them if you have an implanted device.

Gas-powered equipment and gasoline ignition systems

Components within the ignition systems of gas-powered engines can cause interference in some cases. 如果你有ICD, stay at least 12 inches away from the ignition system of a vehicle or other gas-powered equipment.

This does not prohibit you from using a key to start a car – the ignition components are far enough away from the car’s front seats.


如果你使用这样的充电器, 将组件与植入设备的位置保持至少12英寸的距离.

Electric fences and electrical pet containment systems

这种系统使用的电磁场会干扰icd和起搏器. 与信号的距离越近,在信号附近待的沙巴足球体育平台越长,风险就越大. Avoid or limit your exposure to such systems. Ask your health care professional about safety if you work with or spend time around these systems.

Also, avoid or limit your exposure to transformer boxes. 它们发出的电磁场会干扰icd和起搏器.

Medical alert systems and fall detection pendants

Contact customer support of your medical alert system provider to see if their product might pose a risk to your pacemaker or ICD.

Medical procedures that may pose a risk

一些医学, 诊断和美容程序可能会干扰ICD或起搏器的操作. The following are of particular concern:

Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL)

这种非侵入性治疗使用液压冲击来溶解肾结石. 如果你有ICD, speak with your health care professional before undergoing ESWL.

Many pacemaker patients may be eligible for ESWL, provided the pacemaker is evaluated and reprogrammed before and after treatment if necessary. ESWL后, those with 心脏起搏器 will need to follow up with their doctor over several months to ensure that the pacemaker continues to work properly.

某些类型的心脏起搏器植入腹部的患者应避免体外冲击波治疗. 在考虑ESWL之前, discuss the procedure with your doctor, including the implications for your implanted device.


磁共振成像 is a noninvasive diagnostic tool that uses a powerful magnet to produce images of internal organs and functions.

icd和起搏器含有金属,因此通常不允许靠近核磁共振成像仪. 强磁场会干扰植入装置的功能.

仍然, some types of implanted devices don’t preclude MRIs. Or the benefits for the MRI may outweigh the risks. 和往常一样,和你的医生谈谈关于植入设备的具体考虑.

Always let imaging technicians, such as those supervising an MRI, know about your implanted device.

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or microwave ablation

这两个 烧蚀过程 是否用于治疗心律失常. 两者都使用长, thin tube called a catheter to eliminate abnormal electrical signals in the heart by administering energy to a specific part of the heart tissue.

如果你有ICD, 你应该向你的健康护理专家咨询消融的风险.

Ablation is often performed before a pacemaker is implanted. 如果有必要做消融手术即使你已经有了心脏起搏器, 你的医生可能会在手术前后对你的起搏器进行评估和重新编程. 消融过程中使用的无线电频率可能会改变心脏起搏器的功能. 研究表明,大多数植入的起搏器没有不良影响.


This medical procedure uses high-frequency, high-intensity electromagnetic waves for physical therapy. 其中一种治疗方法不推荐使用ICD或起搏器 在大多数情况下. 在进行这种治疗之前,请咨询您的医疗保健专业人员.

The electromagnetic waves used in diathermy may interfere with either device’s pulse generator. This can permanently damage your implanted device.


这种用于癌症治疗的疗法会损害icd和起搏器的电路. The degree of damage is unpredictable – and may vary with different systems – but the risk builds with increased radiation.

ICDs比起搏器对放射治疗的干扰更敏感. 如果你有ICD and radiation therapy is still warranted, 你植入的ICD应该尽可能远离辐射. 如果您的ICD直接位于目标辐射区域,则可能需要重新安置.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

This procedure uses electrical signals to relieve acute or chronic pain by placing a medical device with electrodes on the skin and connecting it to a pulse generator.

如果你有ICD, TENS治疗是可以接受的,只要采取一定的预防措施. TENS interferes with some types of ICDs, but not with others. Note: TENS is not recommended for use on the torso.

When it comes to 心脏起搏器, most studies have shown that TENS rarely inhibits bipolar pacing. TENS may sometimes briefly interfere with unipolar pacing, 但这有时可以通过重新编程脉冲发生器来解决. 在进行这种治疗之前,请咨询您的医疗保健专业人员.


Specialized diagnostic X-rays called computed tomography (CT scan) or computed axial tomography (CAT scan) provide multiple images of areas inside the body. Some CT or CAT scanning devices may interfere with ICDs, but the probability is extremely low. 在做CT或CAT扫描之前, discuss precautions and considerations beforehand with your health care professional and the imaging technician.

x光,比如用于CT或CAT扫描的x光,似乎不会干扰起搏器. 仍然, always alert the imaging technicians that you have a pacemaker implanted before undergoing a CT or CAT scan.


This procedure stops bleeding during surgery. 如果你有ICD,你和你的医生应该仔细权衡利弊. The procedure may be acceptable if certain precautions are taken.


This procedure removes unwanted body hair or tissue.

如果你有ICD,在做这个手术之前和你的医疗保健专业人员谈谈. Your device manufacturer may also provide important recommendations.

ICD patients should be prepared to provide a note from their physician before electrolysis can be performed.


In general, consumer appliances and electronics don’t affect the performance of ICDs and 心脏起搏器. 在极少数情况下,这些设备中的一些可能会抑制起搏器的单次跳动. But the pacemaker’s regular signals are quickly restored.

Even though these devices may pose little known risk, still strive to keep all motors and antennae at least 6 inches away from your ICD or pacemaker. 向你的医疗保健专业人员咨询使用任何物品是否安全.


  • 电动剃须刀
  • 电热毯
  • 加热垫
  • 电子阅读器
  • 电子平板电脑
  • 微波炉
  • 厨房用具,如搅拌器、搅拌机、烤面包机和咖啡机
  • 电离空气过滤器
  • 电脑
  • AM / FM收音机
  •  电视发射机和遥控器
  • 首页 wireless devices, such as modems, routers and headsets
  • 电子游戏无线控制器
  • 电视和立体声扬声器
  • Bluetooth® wireless technology, including headsets
  • 吹风机
  • 熨斗
  • 手持背部按摩器
  • 电子称


  • 车库开门器
  • 树篱修剪机
  • 杂草配件砖
  • 吹落叶机
  • 电动割草机
  • Electric drills (including cordless drills)
  • 电锯、铣刀和桑德斯
  • 激光水平
  • 螺栓发现者
  • Light metalworking tools (including soldering irons)
  • 无钥匙进入汽车遥控器
  • 电池的手电筒
  • 娱乐用金属探测器-与探测器头部保持2英尺的距离
  • GPS设备
  • 无线电控制的玩具和设备


  • 电脑
  • 打印机和扫描仪
  • 影印机
  • 安全标识扫描器


  • 沙龙式吹风机
  • 晒黑床
  • 热水浴缸
  • 赌场老虎机
  • 按摩椅和按摩垫
  • Low voltage power lines (often found in residential areas)

Medical procedures that pose limited risk

对于装有icd或起搏器的患者,有几种医疗程序是允许的. 仍然, be sure to discuss any possible risks with your doctor before undergoing such treatments.


  • 心率监测器
  • 心电图 (EKG或ECG)
  • 超声心动图
  • Acupuncture, with or without electrical stimulus
  • 超声诊断成像
  • 高压氧疗法
  • 选择性复律法
  • Stereotaxy
  • 牙科超声波清洗机, (注:有些病人在钻牙过程中可能会感到心跳加快.)
  • Diagnostic radiation (such as screening X-rays and mammography)
  • 电休克疗法(如用于某些精神障碍)
  • 为视频内窥镜检查而吞下的药片
  • 激光手术
  • Pet发射断层扫描(Pet扫描)
  • 骨密度测试使用x射线,以及超声波对脚跟或手
  • Devices designed to treat sleep apnea
  • Deep brain and spinal cord stimulator implantation


如果你有心脏除颤器或起搏器, always carry a wallet ID to alert emergency personnel about your device in case you’re incapacitated.

Always tell health care professionals, including dentists and diagnostic imaging technicians, 你有一个植入的装置. Also make the on-site nurse or doctor at your place of work aware that you have an ICD or pacemaker.