Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)

ICDs are useful in preventing sudden death in people who have a high risk of a life-threatening 心律失常. 这些包括 室性心动过速 (VT)或 心室纤维性颤动 (VF).

Most ICDs, called transvenous ICDs, have a dual function and also serve as a pacemaker. 



What is an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator?

An ICD is a battery-powered device placed under the skin that keeps track of your heart rate. Thin wires connect the ICD to your heart. If an abnormal heart rhythm is detected the device will deliver an electric shock to restore a normal heartbeat. 

An ICD is implanted under the skin, just under the collarbone. It detects 心律失常s and responds with electrical signals to restore your heart's normal rhythm.

A person is a candidate for an ICD if they have a life-threatening 心律失常   without correctable causes, 例如:

  • 急性心肌梗塞(心脏病)
  • 心肌 缺血 (inadequate blood flow to the heart muscle)
  • Electrolyte imbalance and drug toxicity 


Your health care team may recommend an ICD if you or your child is at risk of a life-threatening ventricular 心律失常 because of having:


A battery-powered pulse generator is implanted in a pouch under the skin of the chest, 通常在锁骨下方, 或者沿着你的肋骨. In infants, it may be placed in the abdomen. The generator is about the size of a pocket watch. Wires or leads run from the pulse generator to positions on the surface of or inside the heart and can be installed through blood vessels, eliminating the need for open-chest surgery.


It detects an abnormal heartbeat and tries to return the heartbeat to normal.

  • If your ICD has a pacemaker feature when your heartbeat is too slow, it works as a pacemaker and sends tiny electric signals to your heart.
  • When your heartbeat is too fast or chaotic, it gives defibrillation shocks to stop the abnormal rhythm.
  • 它一天24小时工作.

Some devices also provide “overdrive” pacing to electrically convert a sustained 室性心动过速 (fast heart rhythm) and "backup" pacing if 心动过缓 (心律缓慢)发生. They also offer other functions such as storage of detected arrhythmic events. Stored information can help your doctor optimize the ICD for your needs.

What should I ask my doctor or nurse about 带着ICD生活?

如果你有ICD, be aware of your surroundings and the devices, such as those with strong magnetic fields, that may interfere with its operation. The longer you’re exposed to the potentially interruptive device and the closer it is to your ICD, the more likely it will affect your ICD’s performance. Ask your health care team what machines or equipment you should avoid.

Learn about electromagnetic compatibility of your ICD and other products with this list of devices that interfere with an ICD.

Also ask what you can and cannot do when you have an ICD. 读到 带着ICD生活.

审查 要问医生的ICD问题

Download and print our Answers by Heart sheet: What is an ICD? (PDF)


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