

Confronting health challenges faced by 66 million people in rural U.S. 社区通过科学、教育和宣传.

小城镇的医疗保健问题很大. 但他们也有解决问题的韧性. People in rural communities live almost three years fewer than urban dwellers, and they’re more likely to die early from heart disease or a stroke.


更高的烟草使用率, 缺乏身体活动, 肥胖, diabetes and high blood pressure increase the risk for serious diseases. Rural communities face severe shortages of health care professionals. 人们可能住在离医院或诊所很远的地方. Or they may reside in “food deserts,” remote from reliable access to healthy food.

即便如此, 农村生活的优点, 包括强烈的联系感, 邻居互相帮助, provide a sturdy foundation for overcoming these health disparities.

People who live in rural areas get sicker and die sooner than people in urban areas. But the 美国心脏协会 – working with people in rural communities – is committed to changing that picture.


想象一下城里没有医生. Think what it would mean to live 200 miles from the nearest hospital. 五分之一的美国人.S. 可能因为居住地而面临这样的现实. We’re zeroing in on some of the major health issues facing rural America and what’s being done about them.
美国心脏协会访问了阿拉斯加, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 南、北达科他州 and 西维吉尼亚州 to try to understand the 农村卫生挑战s people face, 以及他们如何努力克服这些困难. Watch our Health Wanted video reports to see how they’re responding to improve their communities.


Great distances and multiple health care systems in the nation’s largest state.


The Ioway tribe grapples with food insecurity by returning to traditional farming methods.


People face rugged terrain, long distances and other barriers to health.


Long distances and fewer medical professionals impact emergency response.


While the state ranks low in many health categories, people there are working to make a difference.


美国心脏协会发布了一份总统咨询报告 农村卫生挑战 as one of three main barriers to health equity and is making a wide-ranging effort to address it in close cooperation with communities that are affected.


  • 增加获得护理的机会
  • 提高护理质量
  • 减少危险因素
AHA 2021 - 2022年10项承诺报告的缩略图


Removing barriers to health in rural areas is a top priority for the AHA, which is directing energy and resources to close the gap between rural and urban care. 方法如下:



Improving care at hospitals and clinics with no-cost access to Get With the Guidelines® programs for coronary artery disease, 心力衰竭和中风.


AmeriCorps smiling young woman volunteer posing in front of abstract mural

Enlisting service-minded people to work in rural communities to improve heart health.

HeartCorps is a service opportunity for those interested in driving health equity in rural America with the AHA.

Support our mission and you can join us in helping rural communities

We’re dedicated to removing barriers to health – such as the challenges rural Americans face. We’re telling these stories to raise awareness about these problems. Join our efforts to combat issues in rural America and in other communities.

捐赠: Your gift can help support the full mission of the AHA, including increased access to care.


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