
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

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从喷气机时代开始, 旅客已被警告在飞行中有危险血栓的风险. In recent years, those warnings have often been accompanied by advice to wear compression socks.

But the case for keeping them on your packing list isn't as clear-cut as you might expect.

“使用它们是完全没问题的。. 约书亚·贝克曼, 达拉斯德州大学西南医学中心血管医学主任, 但科学不能确切地说它们对旅行者有多大帮助.

Compression socks – sometimes referred to as graduated compression socks or stockings – squeeze at the ankles, 腿部上方的压力逐渐减小. The squeezing helps keep blood flowing by forcing blood in the legs to return to the heart.

据估计,美国有66.6万人患有糖尿病.S. were hospitalized with deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, in 2020, according to the most recent 统计数据 来自美国心脏协会. 深静脉血栓形成于大静脉,通常发生在腿部. An additional 432,000 were hospitalized for pulmonary embolism, where a clot travels to the lungs. In 2021, 这些问题统称为静脉血栓栓塞, 即静脉血栓栓塞,被认为是导致近81例死亡的原因,000人死亡.

深静脉血栓的症状包括腿部疼痛、肿胀或皮肤触感发热. 肺栓塞的症状包括呼吸急促、咳嗽和胸痛.

长途飞行从1点开始.根据一项研究,这种可能性要高出5到4倍 研究综述 在2021年更新的Cochrane系统评价数据库中.

与此同时,这些危险的血凝块是罕见的. A 2007年研究综述 《沙巴体育平台点击进入》估计有4个.飞行沙巴足球体育平台超过12小时,每百万次发生严重肺栓塞8例. The risk of DVT within four weeks of a flight of at least four hours was 1 in 4,600 flights.

Dr. Eri Fukaya, 他是加州斯坦福大学的血管医学专家, 他说,飞行确实会产生“凝块的完美风暴”.“但其他因素首先发挥了作用.

年龄较大的人, 烟, 肥胖或有严重血栓家族史的人患静脉血栓栓塞的风险更高, 以前有过这种血块的人也是如此, 她说. 最近接受过癌症治疗或服用雌激素的人也是如此.

深谷将这种风险比作水桶里的水. Someone whose bucket is nearly filled by those factors will be at higher risk than someone with an empty bucket. 如果一个人的桶快要满了,航空旅行可能会让它溢出来.

Immobility, the kind that comes from sitting in a cramped seat for hours, raises the risk, 她说. And flyers may avoid drinking water because they don't want to have to get up to use the bathroom. 这会导致脱水,从而使血液变稠.

即便如此, the risk of developing severe blood clots specifically from flying remains so low that studying it is a real challenge, 贝克曼说.

他注意到 2022年发表的研究报告 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Maternal-Fetal Medicine that looked at VTE in a high-risk group: women who were pregnant or had just given birth. 坐飞机的女性确实比不坐飞机的女性风险更大. 但他说,这种差异“非常微小”.07%对0.分别为05%.

Such numbers illustrate why it's almost impossible to say whether compression socks make any difference in preventing blood clots among flyers, 贝克曼说, “因为如果风险真的很低, 从非常低到非常低, 非常低, 在一个研究中,你不可能有足够的人来真正弄清楚它."

The Cochrane review looked at data from 2,918 people in 12 randomized clinical trials. It found high‐certainty evidence that wearing compression stockings reduced the risk of symptomless DVT when traveling on a flight of more than four hours. 但它无法得出任何关于死亡几率的影响的结论, pulmonary embolism and symptomatic DVT because no trial participant had those problems.

American Society of Hematology guidelines do not recommend compression socks for low-risk travelers on short flights and recommend socks on longer flights only for people at high risk of blood clots.

Studies in hospitals do show that compression socks prevent blood clots in people who have had surgery, 贝克曼说. 但对于那些因非手术疾病卧床休息的人来说, 好处就不那么明显了, 他说, “如果在医院卧床休息的病人身上很难建立, 那就非常。, very hard to establish a benefit for ambulatory people who are well and going on vacation in a plane or even a car."

也就是说, 如果医生以任何理由建议你穿压缩袜, 你“绝对”应该这样做, 他说.

But his advice to travelers worried about blood clots is to "get up and walk every couple of hours. 多喝水."

这, 深谷在坐着的时候补充道, passengers should flex their calf muscles and roll their ankles around in "big circles, 两个方向. 然后脱掉你的鞋子,扭动你的脚趾. 所有这些运动都让血液流动起来."

And if you've been wearing compression socks and like them – don't throw them out just yet.

和贝克曼一样,深谷说它们不会造成任何伤害. 与贝克曼不同的是,她是他们的粉丝,经常穿.

她说,自古以来就在使用压缩技术. 当你运动时,袜子会刺激小腿肌肉,有助于防止肿胀.

“我几乎每天都穿着它们,”深谷说. She started doing so because wanted to understand her patients' experiences and discovered that "my legs feel a lot better wearing them."

People with poor circulation from peripheral artery disease should wear compression socks with caution, 她说. 但其他人可以通过实验来看看哪种方法最有效.

你会发现各种各样的选择,深谷说. Some compression socks are marketed toward athletes, and others are for medical use. Medical-grade compression socks are rated by their amount of pressure as measured in millimeters of mercury, 但深谷并没有太在意这些数字. 实际的压力会根据一个人腿的大小而变化, 而且没有规定如何给袜子打分.

所以,它是相对的. "It's kind of like going to a restaurant and saying, 'Do you want mild, medium or spicy?’”深谷说. 她建议从中号袜子开始, 然后根据感觉切换到“温和”或“辛辣”.

"You could wear it on one leg and not the other and see if one leg feels better than the other at the end of travel,她说. 深谷建议穿及膝的,而不是及腿的. 但是如果你的裤子长到膝盖那么就不要卷下来. “这在顶部起到了止血带的作用."

贝克曼说,对于喜欢压缩袜的人来说,压缩袜没什么问题. 但说到安全旅行,他说还有更重要的东西要打包. 像防晒霜.

"There are so many things that people have to think about" to protect their health, 他说. "It's also important to get them to not have to think about things they don't need to think about."


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