Well-being Resources for Employees

利用我们的工具和资源改善员工的健康和福祉. Ready-to-share materials.

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Championing a healthy mind, 员工的身心健康有利于他们的健康,也有利于生产力等业务成果, engagement and retention.

使用我们的Healthy for Good™工具和资源,帮助您的员工养成更健康的习惯, including how to:

  • Eat well and move more
  • Reduce tobacco use
  • Improve sleep habits
  • Support mental health
  • Increase health equity for all
  • Create a more inclusive work environment
Man at home on video call with coworkers

About Healthy for Good

健康为善是一个健康的生活运动,激发你的健康和生活的持久变化, one small step at a time. The approach is simple: Eat smart. Move more. Be well.

On this page:

Be Well

压力会导致暴饮暴食等不健康的习惯, physical inactivity, smoking, 还有心脏病和中风的危险因素,比如高血压, and depression or anxiety. On the flip side, 管理和减少压力可以提高幸福感, purpose and gratitude, 所有这些都可以保持心脏和大脑的健康, 让人们更有可能坚持健康的习惯.

Be Well Videos

Eat Smart

健康饮食从健康的食物选择开始. 一个充满水果和蔬菜的健康饮食计划可以帮助你降低许多严重和慢性健康状况的风险, including heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some types of cancer. 它们对你的日常健康也是必不可少的. 了解在杂货店、餐馆、工作场所和任何吃饭的场合要寻找什么.

Move More

体育活动与降低患病风险有关, stronger bones and muscles, 改善心理健康和认知功能,降低抑郁风险. 在这段沙巴足球体育平台里,保持活跃是保持身心健康的最好方法之一. 它不仅能帮助你感觉、思考、睡眠和生活得更好,还能提高整体生活质量.

Making Habits Stick

Anybody can build healthy habits; they just need to know how to do it effectively.
See All: Making Habits Stick

Change Is a Mindset

choosing old habits or change

A simpler, 将目标转化为习惯的更简单的方法是一次养成一个习惯.

Easy Does It


If the pandemic has thrown you out of step, 习惯堆积可能会帮助你以适度的方式恢复你的节奏, stress-busting practices.

Fit Bits

Woman exercising at home, leaning on couch

After two long years of COVID-19, 我们希望你能使用习惯叠加法来帮助你找回自己的节奏,重新关注健身.


也许你正在努力戒烟或吸电子烟,或者你正在敦促家人或朋友也这样做. We want to help. 我们希望每个人都能停止使用烟草和尼古丁,以降低患心脏病和中风的风险. It’s a goal we call the Tobacco Endgame.

Cardiovascular Conditions

What is cardiovascular disease? 心血管疾病可以指许多情况. 你对你的心脏健康到底了解多少? It’s easy to be fooled by misconceptions. After all, 心脏病只会发生在你的老邻居或你爱吃油炸食品的叔叔身上, right? 或者你知道真正的真相吗?心脏病可以影响任何年龄的人, even those who eat right? 依赖错误的假设对你的心脏是危险的. 每年死于心血管疾病的美国人比死于其他任何疾病的都多.